Helping Autistic children and their caregivers get a better night's sleep

Good Nights is a cost-free, research-informed, web-based programme providing sleep support for Autistic children and their caregivers

Poipoia te kākano, kia puawai

Nurture the seed, and it will blossom

We're all about
Good Nights

Good Nights is an innovative, research-informed, web-based sleep programme supporting Autistic children and their caregivers to get a better night’s sleep.

Based out of the Child Well-being Institute at the University of Canterbury, the Good Nights programme, is informed by many years of research and experience in delivering sleep assessment and support for childhood sleep difficulties. 

Please note that the Good Nights Programme is designed to be accessed independently by caregivers. This means that it does not include direct support from professionals. Please continue to engage with your child’s healthcare providers as required.

Kiwi Families
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Our Team

The Good Nights Programme is delivered by a team of researchers, clinicians, and post-graduate students at the University of Canterbury. 

Laurie McLay

Associate Professor
Programme Director

Karyn France

Associate Professor

Neville Blampied


Please note that the Good Nights Programme is designed to be accessed independently and does not include direct support from professionals.

Get In Touch

For any queries about the Good Nights Programme, please contact Prof. Laurie McLay: